hello guys! welcome to kem korner!

Hello guys! Welcome to KEM KORNER!

This page, I hope, will help you obtain a deeper understanding and appreciation of basic and not-so-basic chemistry concepts. For those looking for entertainment, there will be bits of that here although I'm not so sure yet how I'll go about this "entertainment" thing. But I assure you that this blog will be filled with links, downloadables and test-yourself questions that will help you, in some way, improve your understanding of the world of chemistry.

Suggestions, contributions and reactions, violent or otherwise, are also welcome... :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Think about this...

Based on the above figures, do you think the 120 grams of glucose metabolized by the brain daily can sufficiently fuel all of the brain's daily metabolic activities? Support your answer with calculations.

Clue: You need to find out the total (estimated) number of brain cells. You also need to use your basic knowledge of mole/mass/number of particles calculations in answering the problem.

Leave your briefly explained answer as comment below. Do not forget to include your name. Submit your calculations separately using 1 short-sized bond paper...