hello guys! welcome to kem korner!

Hello guys! Welcome to KEM KORNER!

This page, I hope, will help you obtain a deeper understanding and appreciation of basic and not-so-basic chemistry concepts. For those looking for entertainment, there will be bits of that here although I'm not so sure yet how I'll go about this "entertainment" thing. But I assure you that this blog will be filled with links, downloadables and test-yourself questions that will help you, in some way, improve your understanding of the world of chemistry.

Suggestions, contributions and reactions, violent or otherwise, are also welcome... :)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

For STEM11 - A10

Click this to download your copy of Module 5 for PR1.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

To All My 3Is Classes

Please click the file name below to download your copy of the RUBRIC for Chapters 1 and 2.

Research Paper Rubric

For those who requested for the list of the contents of the chapters you need to accomplish, I have also uploaded here a copy of the course's curriculum guide. Click the file name below.

3Is CG

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

For A10

Here's the link to the Ethnographic Worksheet you are supposed to accomplish. Print the document using short-sized bond paper.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

For My Chemistry Classes

Please click here to download your copy of the Performance Task for Quarter 3. Print the document using short-sized bond paper.

For My STEM11 - A10 Class

Modules 3 and 4 are finally up! You may go to the download pages by clicking the file names below...

Module 3: A Closer Look at Qualitative Research

Module 4: Importance and Steps in Doing Qualitative Research