hello guys! welcome to kem korner!

Hello guys! Welcome to KEM KORNER!

This page, I hope, will help you obtain a deeper understanding and appreciation of basic and not-so-basic chemistry concepts. For those looking for entertainment, there will be bits of that here although I'm not so sure yet how I'll go about this "entertainment" thing. But I assure you that this blog will be filled with links, downloadables and test-yourself questions that will help you, in some way, improve your understanding of the world of chemistry.

Suggestions, contributions and reactions, violent or otherwise, are also welcome... :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

For My MT Class

With a 4-carbon organic compound as basis, complete the following table. (Please use a long-sized bond paper in preparing this table.) Ms. De Leon will collect all finished activity papers.

Scoring: Normal structures will get 1 point. Branched structures, 2.

To My PT Class

Please answer the following questions. Use 1 whole sheet of paper. Mr. Severo will collect your papers at the end of the period.
You may refer to the powerpoint presentation we were using to answer these questions.

1.  What is hybridization?
2.  How is a hybridized C formed?
3.  What are the differences between a sigma bond and a pi bond?
4.  How are atomic orbitals different from bonding orbitals?
5.  Enumerate and differentiate from each other the 3 types of hybrization.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

To my Biochem Classes

Please read this post to learn how to obtain copies of your laboratory experiments / activities for prelim.

Saturday, November 2, 2013