hello guys! welcome to kem korner!

Hello guys! Welcome to KEM KORNER!

This page, I hope, will help you obtain a deeper understanding and appreciation of basic and not-so-basic chemistry concepts. For those looking for entertainment, there will be bits of that here although I'm not so sure yet how I'll go about this "entertainment" thing. But I assure you that this blog will be filled with links, downloadables and test-yourself questions that will help you, in some way, improve your understanding of the world of chemistry.

Suggestions, contributions and reactions, violent or otherwise, are also welcome... :)

Thursday, August 24, 2017

For My Physics Classes

Click the photo below to go to the download page of the ppt for Acceleration.
File is in pdf.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

For My Chemistry Classes

For A5, A6, A7 and A11,

Here's the download link for your Laboratory Activity No. 2.

Print using short-sized bond paper.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Powerpoint Presentation in Physics

Intro to Physics, Vectors and Scalars, One-Dimensional Motion