Kidding aside, I was lucky to have handled only 4 classes this semester. 3 Biochem lab classes and 1 Organic Chem lec-lab class. It was the first semester I was actually given a "lighter' load although the schedule assigned to me was annoyingly spread out for 6 days, mondays through saturdays... arrrgghhh!
So here are the students who were "lucky" enough (tsk! I can hear some of you protesting to my use of that word) to have me as their teacher this semester...

The first time I met 1A, I felt snubbed. (Yes, that's right 1A!) They thought they'll be handled again for the second time by their favorite chem teacher, Sir Roger (not Moore). I can still "hear" their collective disappointed sighs when they found out that Sir Roger and I decided to swap classes for the second semester. I just hope that their "We'll miss you ma'am!" the last time we met was a sincere declaration that they no longer regret entering my class... hehehe!
This is one responsible group. Everyone is busy whenever an activity is performed. Everyone listens when a discussion is going on. They ask questions. They probe. They share what they know. It's the kind of class that's easy to facilitate. It's the kind of class teachers generally look for :)

Hmmm... 1D... the class that really knows how to push my buttons.... 23 girls, 1 gentleman. (Yes girls of 1D. Based from what you have shown me for 2 semesters, you're still in that girls/boys category lol!)
1D may be the noisiest among my classes, but it's generally the sweetest. Thanks to Abbie for always offering me food (awww...), which I always decline since eating is not allowed in the lab... hehehe!
This class has the tendency to "forget" things they have to bring to class. There was even a time when I have to ask 4 among the 5 groups to leave the lab room for non-bringing of materials. And whenever they're asked if they have understood the pre-lab discussed, they would all say yes but the minute we switch into performing the actual activity, all questions, sensible or otherwise, would be thrown at me... grrrr!
I have a feeling that, all things considered, this class likes me. I have to limit class size so I only took in those who were around the first day we met last November. Some were asking-- begging-- that they be considered for inclusion in my class list later but, i have to refuse. One student in particular-- what's his name? Adrian something?--- I have to refuse because of an entirely different reason. (Sssshhh... don't tell him but he asks way too many questions... lol!).

In my more than 10 years of teaching, this is the first time I handled a class who dared to show me their obvious disgust for learning organic chemistry. This is the class who makes me feel embarrassed whenever I give them a test after a discussion... This is the class whose test scores makes me feel that they were actually taking the test to see who would get the lowest score... This is the class I decided to give the exact same test the next meeting just so they'll get better scores only to find out that their second result is no better than the first... This is the class who has the guts to stretch their arms up and utter ho-hum while I'm busy illustrating the structure of trinitrotoluene on the board... lol!
But then, although they don't appreciate Organic Chemistry that much, I am sure that they appreciate me. They were even asking if I will be handling them in Biochem. You know what ladies? I will be happy to teach you Biochem. Just promise that you'll give up the arms-stretching and ho-hums when I deliver the lectures :D

Yeah... NO IMAGE AVAILABLE. But that doesn't mean they're literally invisible. This is the same half-class whose Gen Chem I handled too. The same class I always have a problem meeting regularly because their class schedule, wednesdays and saturdays, would often overlap with school programs and activities.
Although it's an all-ladies class, I have not felt any displeasure in handling them. They're manageable and they work efficiently. Although most of them would just rely on 1 person --- Imee, the class president --- to provide all the groups with most of the materials needed in the lab, I don't have complaints. Imee I'm sure has a different story lol!
To all my 2nd semester students--- ladies and gentlemen... and girls --- thank you for making the last five months interesting and fun. For most of you, I pray, that we will never meet again in that same lab room performing the same activities and talking about the same things...
You know what I mean ;)
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